Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The goals we set are to better the individual!


Check out my new fundraising campaign.  Pass the word!!!!

Another week closer

As the four big events of the year for me get closer, I realize my tow months off from competition went really fast.  It doesn't seem like it was that long ago when I ran Smallwood tri.  It's been a fun summer this far though.  The beach house with my wife, son and her family...the triple digit days that made me remember how fun a mid-atlantic summer can be...and now my kiddo back in school and him being one of the older kids.  It's been a quick summer but a fun one. 

I'm getting excited for my dad to visit.  We always have a good time when we are together and I love watching him get to be grandpa.  It's a little over a week away now and with advancement tests right before that time is not going to be slowing down anytime soon I'm sure.  It's going to be Halloween before we know it. 

Happy running all....enjoy the final weeks of summer and make sure you get those final events of the year in while you can!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Back at it!!

Been training hard again this week and its easy to tell I was off for awhile.  Back is sore...hamstrings are sore....abs are sore...but it feels good.  :).  Two hard weeks then a maintenance week and Nation's will be here.  Looking forward to it for so many reasons.  Mostly because my father will be in town for it.  I love getting to see him interact with the kiddo. 

Also really excited cause I will have a little fan fare for this one.  My wife and kiddo, along with my dad will be there when I come across the finish.  It's always cool to hear those cheers when you are brutally tired and coming down the stretch...its even better when you know who some of those cheers are!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Getting Close

Roughly 2.5 weeks left of training for Nation's and Ultimately the same amount for Philly.  After what turned into a long week of work and being sick, I am definitely behind the curve of where I wanted to be at this point.  That means over the course of the next two weeks it has to be hit hard.  Two a days for sure and have to squeeze in a practice half marathon somewhere.  Not at all impossible...just right timing.  Pretty much back to 100% at this point so that is good and makes it Mich more doable.

Talked to the Team in Training folks and the lead coach for next years spring and summer teams.  I am going to help.out as assistant coach for the teams and really looking forward to that kicking off this fall.With a much smaller schedule next year it will be slot of fun to do that.  I enjoy teaching/leading/mentoring a lot and it will be really rewarding.  Not to mention the team I will be working with is doing Columbia Tri so that will be fun to go and root them on at. 

Alright September and October...I set you up each to be very difficult...now its time to see if I can handle you!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Not any worse, not any better

So I still think I'm getting sick.  I feel exactly the same as I did yesterday.  I'm not any worse than I was so I will take that.  Maybe I can keep it at bay until it passes anyway.  Plus I would rather be sick now and not in a month when life speeds up tremendously.  Looking at four events in six weeks and on top of that my dad coming into town during nation's...a nice weekend planned for Philly...and of course the goal for the end of this year, my first half ironman in Oct.  So ya, I will be more than happy to have a touchy throat and and a little sniffle right now. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

The love of a pre-schooler

I love my son more than life itself.  He is so much fun and to see the world through such innocent eyes is probably the most rewarding part of being a parent.  He is old enough now you can see all your quirks and mannerisms that he is picking up from me and my wife.  He says the craziest things when u least expect it and trust me, they do hear everything.  When u least expect it he will repeat something at the worst possible time that you didn't even know he heard.  Haha. 

So son, I love you with all my heart, but why do you have to be a little disease factory.  Woke up this morning with congestion and a pretty rocking sore throat.  Haha. Oh well, I suppose I won't hold him totally responsible.  ;-)

Yesterday was a good day back at work.  Course for some junior sailors kicked off and is going very well.  Love this time of year for the simple fact that training these guys is so much fun and so rewarding. 

Managed to knock.out a 1500 yard swim in the morning and a nice quick two mile run at lunch.  Gonna wind up today with some crossfit and core work and try for a 3 mile slow jog today. 

Let's get tri-ing!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Back to life

Vacation is over.  Back to the daily grind.  It was so relaxing and so much fun being off for the last week with my wife and son.  It's so cool getting to see the world through a three year old's eyes.  The beach was great, and the beach house that her family rented for all of us was awesome...cramped at times...but terrific. 
Now its time to get on the train...hit the pool for a good quick 1500 and start the week off teaching and facilitating a course all week.  This is the part of my job that I love.  It's like training.  The progress can be slow in some areas and fast in others and its so much fun to see that growth throughout the week.

With four solid training weeks left before Nation's I am definitely goingto be working on the runs.  I know my swim isn't going to be great as I just havnt had the time to dedicate to it but my running even on vacation is getting better each time.  Nation's is going to be the test on just how good my run can get!

Friday, August 9, 2013

Last day :(

It has been a long week at the beach.  Some nice days...some rainy days...but all in all a nice week away.  Spent a good portion in the sand and the surf.  We went and toured the boardwalk one day and saw the cute little towns on the Delaware coast.  The kiddo in true pre-schooler fashion is fighting off a cold.  He is a resilient little guy though and is determined to be in the sand for the final day here.  It's always nice to get away and try to avoid extra dislike for the families you are sharing space with, buy I'm ready to be in my own home again with my own stuff.  I managed to get in a few decent little runs and planning on a nice ling one today on the beach.  I am a month away from nations and 5 weeks away from Philly half marathon.  Looking forward to them both.  My dad is planning on flying in for nations so that will be a good time.  The next three weeks are nothing but training and and studying!!  Let's go get it!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Just another day at the beach

Had a great first day of vacation at the beach.  Got up and had a nice breakfast with the wife and kiddo.  Went and got a coupme basic groceries and then off to the beach.  Spent a good couple hours of plating in the water then digging to the center of the world, at least in the mind of a three year old.  As the beach day started to close I went on a little jog along the beach for about three miles.  Was so relaxing even with thousands of people around.  Just a nice jog listening to the sound of the water and running through the surf.  It's such a great place to go run.  Tomorrow we are starting the day off at a fancy gourmet donut place. :). I'll let ya know how delicious it is!!

Friday, August 2, 2013

Rest day

After a good week of being very busy at work and still getting in some really good quick workouts it's time for a day off.  I need to get a lot of things done before my vacation starts today so I will skip the workouts and make sure I'm ready to hear out on a nice week off with the family.  Really looking forward to a week at the beach since its not right down the road from us anymore like it was in California.  The kiddo is ready to build sand castles so I'm sure my engineering skills will have to step it up some.  I will get some good runs in while off though.  Is like to hit my 25 mile goal this up coming week that I was planning for while in Portsmouth a couple weeks ago and didn't get.  See it I can make it work this time. 

Thursday, August 1, 2013

PR - brightens any day

This week has been a little bit stressful with work.  As the days go o. The less stressful it gets so hopefully by today it will just roll nice and smooth.  On a bright note from yesterday I set a new 2 mile PR on my run at lunxh with 14:34 over 2.1 miles.  Getting that pace under 7 min is getting close.  I was wondering how hard I needed to push in the real world as opposed to the treadmill where keeping under 7 is easy to control.  I think I found it.  Pushed harder than normal up the hills.  Really let my body go on the downhills and just let gravity do its job and then on the flats I just kept my legs moving with good long strides.  I could have gone farther and might try doing 4 miles today and see how close I get to the same pace.  Not sure I could hold it much longer than that but it isn't far away! 

P.S.  vacation starts tomorrow. :)