Friday, June 28, 2013

Smallwood approaching

A week away from my last race for two months.  Gonna try and hit General Smallwood really good next Saturday. 
I know the bike and run are a lot flatter than my first few races so that is a confidence booster.  On top of that, it is a smaller race with less entrants than a big name race like Columbia.  The training is in there and the times are good.  I am just hoping I can put them all together for a good race.  I felt good last week about hero's and still came in 8th.  I'm not upset about that but was really hoping to get to the podium again.  If it happens, great...if not just make sure I give 110%.  I plan to take a couple months off to focus on life in general.  Spend some extra time with family and just unwind as September and October are going to be busy ones. 

September 8th - Nation's triathlon
September 15th - Philly half marathon

October 6th - Half/Full triathlon (olympic)
October 12th - Waterman's Half Ironman!

Those two months off are also to prepare specifically for those four races.  :)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Working the Swim Drills

It's always a good thing to mix up routines when it comes to working out.  Your body gets to used to the same thing over and over again so that is never good.  This week with only 5 workouts on schedule I decided to focus on one day of long run, one day of row/bike/run and three days of good swims.  I started using hand paddles and have noticed already they are helping, at least with my form.  I was trying to keep my arms to straight before and that was limiting body rotation.  Using the paddles helped me see how much more rotation I can get (and with that momentum) if i curve my arms under my body.  Lesson learned...don't always trust that it works for will work for you.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Mid-Atlantic Heat

So I remember why when I was doing 2-aday training that I changed it up to swimming at lunch.  Holy cow it was hot out today.  Ran a 5k out from work then did a nice 5k training run on the way back (sprint work and station work  along the trail).  I hit the pool yesterday and did a nice 2500 yards of random work with hand paddles and lots of kick work.  The hand paddles are going to work out nicely I think.  I was never a fan before but now that I know a proper form for swimming they seem to really help focus on turning and rotating in the water.  Not to mention build up that endurance.  Holy cow they will tire your arms out in a hurry if you use them correctly.  I think tomorrow is going to be another swim lunch :).  2-adays again next week up till Wednesday then will slow it down again as I have General Smallwood Olympic on Saturday.  Be a fun way to spend a couple hours of a long holiday weekend.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Celebrating Hero's Update

Sunday was one that I really enjoyed! The race went about as well as I planned for.  I decent swim...middle of the pack which is where I like to stay.  A decent bike which I was happy with since it was the first race since changing the whole system around.  I definitely felt a lot better with the new areo set up.  I pushed harder on the run than I have in the past and it paid off.  Overall I finished 8th in my age group and I can be happy with that.  At the time when I checked the results on site before  leaving they had me 8th out of 48 in the 35-39 age group.  I know I passed two in my age group on the run and with the way I was riding I am not sure how many I passed on the bike.  It was a good race to gauge if the training has been paying off and I would say it has.  I have been focusing more on my run lately and realizing it isn't the ability to do it holding me back but the mental aspect of knowing I can go harder.

The results are not working from Tri Columbia right now so I can only go off what my watch says.  T2 was messed up as I forgot to hit it getting off the bike but that isnt a big worry.  It was  a good transition.  So the times were as follows.

Swim; 20:33
T1: 2:09
Bike: 48:41 (about 47 due to forgetting to stop it for T2)
T2: :23 (not quite, more like 1:30)
Run 25:48

For an overall of approx 1:37:36.
When the official results are released I will repost if they are that off but I think that is about the right amounts of times for the most part.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

All racked in

Bikes all set up in Columbia.  Didn't feel like it had been a month already since Columbia Triathlon.  It's supposed to be gorgeous weather for it tomorrow so hopefully that holds up.  Water temp is 80 so no wetsuit bit that hot of water will keep ya nice and loose anyway so lookin for a good swim.  This bike and run are just short enough that I am going to push as hard as I can the whole time.  If I blow out before the finish then I know I should have held onto reserves better.  Haha

Friday, June 21, 2013

Check it out!

A goal met

So I was checking my email while waiting for the train this morning.  I saw a no reply email from USA Triathlon and figured it was the weekly here are your tips to thrive off of and events we have going on email. I then started reading it and it said....

Congratulations Evan Zilliox. You have qualified for the Olympic-Distance race at the 2013 USA Triathlon Age Group National Championships on August 10 in Milwaukee, Wis., after finishing in the top 10 percent in your age group at the The Westfields Sprint Triathlon

I was sorta shocked and kinda in awe of it.  To say I didn't plan on qualifying for nationals my first true year doing triathlons would be an understatement.  Not really planning on being able to go but at least with this I know I can do it if I set myself to it.  Next year I will definitely be trying to repeat this and maybe plan on going up there and see how I can do against a field of the best in the nation!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Last Brick till race day

So with Hero's this weekend I wanted to get one last brick workout in for the week.  Did a nice Row/Run in the gym with 15 min on each.  Focused on going all out for both since it was short.  I got to workout with an old team in training alum so that is always a good thing.  It's nice when you have someone to swap ideas with and just interact with when  you work out.  Tomorrow we will go out for a light jog and focus on hitting some hills for a couple miles but nothing to serious.  Then Saturday its wake up and get prestaged.  I wonder what goodies will come with this one.  Columbia had some cool swag so hopefully this one is the same.  With the odd distances on this one (.6 mile swim/16 mile bike/3.4 mile run) its hard to gauge a target time.  All I know is with a shortish swim as such I can push a little harder than I would at .9 mile distance and with half the run of an olympic I am going to really push myself there.  It's just pain. :)  Will post some more as it gets closer to the race and definitely post race results.

P.S.  check out the sweet fathers day gift from the wife and kiddo

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Good days feel just that!

It's amazing how a good productive day can make you feel.  Started it off by setting up and finalizing two curriculum reviews for the navy.  Went out and set a new personal record on a routine run that I usually do one a week (26:57 for 3.7 miles).  Finished it up by staying behind at work while my co-workers went out for an afternoon of fun and finished three quizzes for one of my college courses.  A lot more homework to do tonight bit after today's events...the marketing teat tomorrow doesn't have me worried near as much.  :). Thumbs up for good days!

Feeling Ready!

I was a little worried about Hero's this weekend until yesterday.  Had a great brick workout of rowing and running at lunch.  Will see with a little bit of rest this week how I do on Sunday.  This will be a new way of going at it because normally I hit it really hard until Thursday, take Friday off, a very short ride and run on Saturday to stay loose then race on Sunday (if the race isn't on Saturday obviously).  This week will be quick workouts getting in what I can, where I can. After yesterdays workout that I only quit because I ran out of time I feel like this might work and may be the way I take the week into a race from now on.  Happy hump day to all and keep putting the rubber to the road and making waves!

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

A couple days off-a couple to go

So after a great day off because of the kiddo not having school its back to the grind.  Its been a nice check in reality over the past week on what is really important.  1. My family!! Without my little dysfunctional (functional) family my life would be empty.  2. School!  As a 35 year old I see now how important if is to get my education to show my son it can be done and that it doesn't have to be as hard as his father has made it.  3.  Health!  I got into triathlons more as a health benefit and that's what its all about.  Knowing at 50 I will be able to play a game of pick up ball with my kid.  4. Career.  Good bad and indifferent I have to make the most out of the time I have given to the US Navy.  With that being said, I look forward to getting back to the hardcore training schedule I had but I won't rush it.  :). On a more fun note....hero's is Sunday!!!!  Can't wait for packet pickup and pre rack on Saturday.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Fine tuning

Took the bike out for an actual ride yesterday to get a feel for the New aero cockpit.  Did about 6 miles and then pulled it into a park and adjusted some things.  The brakes are gonna need some tightening soon but will work for next weekend.  The rear derailer needs a tiny turn as its still jumping from time to time when on the 11 ring.  If I have to though it will ride just fine next weekend at hero's. 

Gonna spend fathers day with my wife and kiddo just enjoying the day.  I think I will go get a nice run in this afternoon bit that will be about it.  Hope all of you have a nice fathers day and make it a good one!

Saturday, June 15, 2013

A week of change!

After getting to spend this last week staying home in the mornings I've come to appreciate my wife even more.  Everyday I can see why she is in a rush in the mornings to get the kiddo to school and get herself to work. 
I have had to change my workout schedule and glad I did.  I like getting up with my son in the morning.  I won't ever have these times like this again.  By the time I am out of the military he will old enough he is probably driving himself to school.  LOL.
Not to mention he is a workout all in himself.  Haha. 

Friday, June 14, 2013

Training weather

Moving back to the mid-atlantic, there is only one thing I miss about California.  The perfect training weather.  It was always a good day for a ride and run in so cal.  Yesterday after getting off of work early I came home and decided to go for a run after my wife got home and the kiddo was taking his nap.  I got just shy of two miles out and was keeping a good pace when the clouds started looking a bit to intimidating.  Cut it back and came home to the tune of 3.3 miles in a respectable 24 minutes.  No more than I got home the skys opened and it poured.  Good timing mother was appreciated.  Brick work for lunch today. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Couldn't do it

Woke up this morning at 440...went downstairs and grabbed a quick snack then changed into my running clothes.  From there I convinced myself that I didn't need the scheduled 4 mile run I had planned.  I knew I would feel guilty about it and did it anyway.  Haha. Will have to make up for it at lunch along with a nice 5 mile run tomorrow morning.  You punishment. 
One of the old TNT alumni that both works at the same military treatment facility are gonna hit the pavement a couple times next week.  Makes me even more excited for July to roll around when I will start working with team in training as a volunteer coach.  It is such a good organization and those who do it really put in that honest effort.  It will be fun.  Hopefully I can help them out and make them feel more confident come race day. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Still workin 2adays

Got up this morning and did a nice slow paced two mile jog before the kiddo and my wife woke up.  It's a nice change of pace getting to stay home and get him ready for school.  The itch for a race is getting more and more and I want to hit it as hard as I can this week.  Next week I will focus on just keeping balance in all three disciplines and being loose for next Sunday.  The field for hero's has grown considerably in the last few days so that's got me a little nervous.  I know if I have a good swim and run I could still shoot for the podium bit the goal is going to be a top ten!  Time to get it done!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The long run

It's like my body knows when 6.2 miles has hit.  I've trained for that distance for so long that once I hit that point my body takes a plunge.  Almost to the point it feels like it shuts down.  I was running in heavy rain yesterday so I can blame it on that...or I didn't get in good nutrition for the morning either so we can go that route.  Both of those excuses are just that though I feel...excuses.  I have to start going back and retraining my mind and body for 13.1 and eventually 26.2.  Not only for ironman distances but also because next year I plan on adding a lot more long runs to the schedule.  I want to focus on about 6 good triathlons for next year and 6 good half and full marathons.  It's all going to start next march with the DC marathon.  So I guess for the thought today...break it down and build it back up!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Another Goal

Just put in the registration for the Philly Half marathon in September.  That will be a good time not only cause the rock n roll runs are always a good time but also since about three weeks after that I have Waterman's Half Ironman in Maryland.  Not too worried about the 13.1 at the end of it but it will be good to see how well I can pace myself.  I am going to shoot for 100 minutes even as my goal time and see how close I come to getting that.  Philly is a flat run so should be close.  We are going to make a big weekend out of it with some friends and take the little ones up with us.  Philly has one of the best kids museums in the country from what I hear so that will be fun.
Today starts the three weeks of my wife having class on campus in Baltimore.  Workout schedule has to be altered as now I can't train in the mornings.  I was a bit worried about that but I don't foresee it making to much of an impact.  I am about as trained up for Hero's as I can be.  Will focus on good long workouts the next two weeks at lunch and then I am going to try and put in a nice ride and run this Saturday morning.  Happy training and good tri-ing!!!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

A high flying birthday

You only turn 30 once.  It should be a momentous occasion.  So myself and two of her good friends took my wife for trapeze lessons.  We had a blast.  We are all a little sore today in New places.  It was a great time.  Two years ago I would have never been able to do that.  It was a great time and I hope it was a memorable birthday for my gorgeous wife. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

A year ago

A year ago I was signing up for my first triathlon.  A dare from a friend of mine that in some ways changed my life...physically anyway.  I always thought it was a crazy sport.  Why do all three of these exercises at one time.  I was good with just doing some mud runs here and there and calling it good.  Since then I'm in the best shape of my life...I don't have to worry about my bi-annual weigh ins for the military...and I have become someone who loves to run. So for that triathlon....I thank you.  Two runs today.  :-)

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Right in the swing

Nice 3.5 mile run to start the day followed by a good 30 minutes of stretching which was definitely needed.  Then did a nice 2000 meter pace swim at lunch.  Was going to do 3000 but feet started cramping up.  Staying on diet and really getting ready for heros in a couple of weeks.  Nutrition is a key ad I plan to push harder in this race than I have yet.  I really want to compete for the age group podium of this one. Hopefully knowing the terrain after Columbia will give the upper hand.  Keep hitting the hills!!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Happy Running Day

I was hoping after a good sprint work swim yesterday and another good TRX workout this morning I was going to be able to skip the pool and go for a good long run at lunch to celebrate running day.  That wasn't the case.  Had to run home to take care of something this morning then when I got back I learned I had a conference call at 1100.  Time to make a bad situation into a good one.  The 7 plus mile run I had planned on which would have taken the better part of an hour is now to change.  Instead I focused on a nice hilly 2.5 mile run.  It might have only been 20 min long but at least I didn't miss Running Day!  I will make up for it tomorrow morning and log that 7 miler then.  I mean come on now, we all celebrate christmas on odd days and birthdays hardly ever get celebrated on the actual day....running day will have to shift to the right one as well for this triathlete.  Celebrating Hero's needs to hurry up and get here....getting that race bug again!

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The new ride

Yesterday finished up well.  Put in a nice steady paced 2000 meters in the pool over lunch then was able to refuel the machine with some steaks on the grill.  :)  This morning started out with a nice steady 2 mile run followed by a 45 minute TRX workout with my group from work.  Gonna hit the pool again for lunch and focus on sprints today.  I love it when the pool is set to meter length.  I always feel like right when I get into a groove in yard lanes I am stopping to turn around.  This way feels a little more like a traditional swim at least.  Will shoot for 1500 meters of sprint and kick work today.
The bike is ready to roll so thought I would toss a pic up of what a ready made Tri bike looks like.  haha.  Its not the ultimate goal of the true tri bike that I want but I feel I can get a couple of good seasons out of this one. With it set up the way it is (esp after i put the new crank on it) it will be a lot more comfortable on those Olympic and longer courses and I feel now I can stay in aero a lot longer since I won't have to come out to shift.  Hopefully it pays off a little bit.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Weekend Fun

Managed to hit the pool on Saturday.  Of course it was two feet deep and for my sons third birthday party :-). Had a great time and also got to take a little road trip with my wife and kiddo down to a street festival in Occaquan.  Had a great weekend. 
Managed to also get the bike build almost complete.  New cockpit with true aero set up now.  Brakes and bar end shifters working like a charm.  Gonna take some getting used to but did get it out for a quick ride yesterday.  It is definitely a different feel and a little hard to adjust having to up hills and getting the shifting down.  I am gonna really appreciate it though come Hero's in three weeks on the rolling hills of Columbia again.  Now I just have to get that crank switched out and I am set!!

One last thing:

Happy Birthday Boogie!!  Daddy loves you and nothing in the world matters at the end of the day without you!!