Its always good to know what you did, what you wanted to accomplish and what you are going to be doing next. Finding the right trainin plan and tracker is all up to your own likes and dislikes. You can use an online version or a book version...make it yourself on a spreadsheet or simply right it down in a note book. The method is your choice however you have to have the discipline to use it to it's fullest potential. Keep your tracker up to date and make sure you see trends, both good and bad, and work on them. You also have to use them to plan ahead. I plan out one week at a time due to life itself throwing wrenches in here and there.
There are a huge variety out there of these online...some are a little pricier than others but you do have options and be sure to use the free option (if available) of each one before picking the one you plan to use.
I use Training Peaks as I have found that it offers a huge selection of options, syncs to almost every GPS watch on the market, and allows you to build custom workout plans as well as giving you the assistance you need. It has a great platform for planning and tracking workouts as well as a lot of comparison tools to see if you are getting faster and what areas you are getting better at.
The other option is a paper version. I started out this way with a book I bought that had some guidelines in the first 30 or so pages and then was just a calendar for the rest. Worked very well but was a lot more time consuming as you have to do your own calculating and you had to make sure you were tracking events correctly. If you are less concerened about seeing a mileage breakdown, accurate elevation increases and decreases, or comparisons to a "virtual trainer", the book version might be the perfect thing for you.
Whatever you use, use it to the fullest potential and Tri on!